Sunday, April 5, 2009

*Highlights* - He Eats HOOKS for Breakfast!!!


No, I'm not talking about any up and coming rapper or anything. Trust, if I was on a tip like that, I'd be running a production company and banking serious cash.

I'm talking about this SEA WORM that ate through a trap full of metal hooks. Who does that?!?! Ugh...his name is BARRY

It seemed he was quite a nuisance at an aquarium. They moved him to his own display so he won't destroy anything else. What stops him from eating through the glass?

How grossed out I am:

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, creepy looking thing, isn't he? I hope I don't have nightmares of him coming up through the drain in the shower. :-p

    nanobri of


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