Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Tale of Two Cities

I can't decide between UVA and Berkeley for law school.

I jetted over to Berkeley last week and spent an interesting 24 hours there, and it's awesome and not so awesome. The people are sharp. They are interesting and they are passionate. I met some black people there and the community is so much more awesome than in college that it's amazing. More mature and warmer. What difference a few years and a more developed sense of self can make. The campus itself is nice, It's in the Bay Area, wonderful job placement, fantastic weather. Essentially, the only downside is that it's in a relatively poor city so you lose a sense of a beautiful concrete world surrounding campus.

UVA. is. beautiful. Like no joke. Berkeley is nice but with UVA they sat down and said "Let's build a campus that the whole world will love". It's nestled in Charlottesville, rated the best city in America to live in. Excellent job placement. Essentially the only downside is that it's not in California, and it was out of the running for so long that I didn't do much research on it.

It's inaccurate to say that I haven't decided though. I intend to use a very basic formula to determine where to go.
If Berkeley debt > n + 5000 where n = UVA debt; then UVA; else Berkeley.

Whichever choice I make, I'm sure that I'll be going to a top notch institution where I'll have an excellent time. Until I graduate and look upon the utter ruin that is the legal field. No more investment banks means no more crazy M&A work which may lead to a permanent shrinking of the field. Would suck to graduate into a world that needs half the lawyers it did before.

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