Thursday, March 5, 2009

Piercing Insight

I am a creature of habit. Currently watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for easily the 500th time.
Stan: I saw you two talking. So I waved to you, and you giggled, you know.
Mary: How'd I look?

Stan: You looked happy. Happy with a secret.

I like to plan each step of my life very carefully. I know exactly where I will be 3, 5 and 10 years from now. In all honesty, I'm probably not a free spirit in any sense of the world. Oddly enough, it was these things that pushed me towards body modding. I was that guy in the office who everyone thinks they have completely figured out and in my case, they were probably right. And then something as simple as a piercing changed all that for me. It was fun living each moment of the day with a delicious secret. I found myself more interesting.

A little over a year ago, I told myself that if everything went according to plan, I could have a rather unusual reward. Everything seems to be falling into place, so in a few months I plan to get two more piercings to reward myself for the LSAT/law school thing. With that said, these will be my last two piercings. I'm definitely not into heavy body modding and the recovery time on some of these things is a killer. Not to mention that all piercings come with the unfortunate side effect of requiring you to spend the rest of your life being very careful about your movements.

It should go without saying that if you decide to try any kind of body modding, your body is your canvas. BUT don't make the mistake of using part of the canvas that people will see when you're on an interview. Law and business in particular are staggeringly conservative fields and setting yourself apart from the pack is almost never a good thing.

Watchmen will be disappointing if you've read the novel and decent if you haven't. It simply will suffer from the fact that no movie adaptation could be as gripping as the book. Then again, they don't even try. It's like watching the videos terrorists release, the characters you love draped in rags, abused and humiliated. Kudos to anyone who got the Penny-Arcade reference.


  1. kudos on having your life on track =)

    and you HAVE to tell me...where are the rewards...?

  2. They're probably in a jeweler's cabinet right now silly!

  3. i thought the actual piercings are the rewards and what u put in those holes comes with the package..



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