Friday, February 20, 2009

Southern Substance's Stance ...

On Homosexuality.

This is a topic that is very important to me and I am very impassioned about it. I am open to dialogue if you disagree - but these are my views!

As mentioned in a comment that I made to Musecatto's post on the subject- who cares what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms!? And if we are taking a religious slant in judging.. I'm the wrong one. After all this controversy with churches (pastors + little boys) I am disillusioned and have begun to worship and try to find God on my own. That being considered, my view of God and heaven etc is probably very skewed in your minds. I don't forsee two people being in love who just happen to be the same sex as burning in hell. I dont think my God ( the one in my head :) ) would condemn two people in love when He created love itself. I have heard my gay friends speaking about knowing they were gay as early as 3 or 4 and feeling it as natural. Do I sit here every day and say to myself "You are straight..look at that boy over there...yep...he's hot". No... my body does not need coaching - its natural. That's how they relate that they have felt.... Who can condemn nature?

I was not always as open-minded...but upon meeting my gay friends and having many, many talks with them...I realized how ignorant I was. I now defend gay rights like no other and truly believe that they should have the same rights as any other couple, whether that be the right to adopt children freely, health benefits, and marriage, among others.

I go head-to-head with people about this all the time, but perhaps most chilling/revealing to me, is the black population's willingness to condemn people based on physical/emotional attributes when we have suffered so much for the same things. When I hear them use the word "Faggot/Fag" (sorry...) I get upset because I equate those words to "Nigger" (again...sorry). Both groups have lost countless because of those words- how are they any different? When they bring up gays "Flaunting their sin" in gay pride parades or holding hands with their partners, I mention that all PDA should be banned. I'm single so that couple over there holding hands offends me. How about that?

I know a lot of people wont agree with me, but I have to say it: I believe that the struggles of gays are close, if not equivalent, to the struggles of blacks and other minority groups. Have we forgotten that it was not that long ago that blacks could not control who they married and were condemned and/or killed for, say, engaging in relations with a white woman. How far have we come? We are still fighting and, while doing so, we decide to stop to take a detour to tell gays that they don't deserve the rights we fought for 'cuz you know, we were born black and they can just, you know, marry a chick or something. Get out of here...

You can disagree and not condemn people - engage in some conversation. Maybe you'll still feel the same way afterwards or maybe, like me, your minds will change.


  1. "Do I sit here every day and say to myself "You are straight..look at that boy over there...yep...he's hot"." hahahahahahahaha agreed!

    I'm not sure if I want to equate the gay rights struggle with the racial equality struggle or if I don't want to equate them. But they are issues that pertain to basic human rights.

    And I DO care what goes on in the privacy of some people's bedrooms, but only if it involves sexual activity with those that cannot give consent (minors, mentally disabled, comatose patients, etc.).

    I think that more time should be devoted to empowering people with the law, not suppress them.


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