Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gotham Days - Who I Am

Just a little about myself:

Born and raised in Chinatown, New York. 23. Recent graduate of an Ivy by way of Stuy High. (StuyVyLeaguer like another member here.) Aspiring psychologist. But like an aspiring actor, I'm still in my wait staff stage of sorts.

Make no assumptions about me. I don't even dare to make them about myself. Who am I to take but one look at myself and pass judgment?

I'm easygoing and friendly. I love to listen to people. I enjoy new ideas and I appreciate different views on life. I love to be surprised by people. Their stories fascinate me. I live to find exceptional people among a sea of great individuals. Just be sure to introduce yourself to me. I'm terrible at making the first move.

But people can rub me the wrong way pretty easily as well. What pisses me off? I'm not sure. But it would be apparent on my face. It's something I have to work on if I want to function beyond my own bubble.

I love good music. I don't have a favorite genre. I just listen to what's appealing to my own ears at the moment. I've been known to even enjoy some country (who didn't love LeAnn Rimes?). I didn't find American music until I was 9 or 10 and I still don't know a lot about music. But, I know what I like.

I also love music videos. The idea of it is great.

I love movement. There is beauty in athleticism and dance. Dance intrigues me. But mind you, I know nothing about dance. I took kiddy ballet when I was very young and a stupid little bully in the class was the reason I stopped my classes.

I love watching movies. Bad movies. Good movies. I like watching them by myself but I love watching them with company. Unless there is a sex scene somewhere. Then it's just awkward even if it's not my mom next to me.

I try not to make other people feel awkward. I'm sorry if I've ever done that to you. It was unintentional. Golden Rule thing. I hate being put on the spot so I wouldn't do it to you.

Does anyone else play things out in their minds? Wish they could just do this or had the balls to say that? Yea, that's my life. Not my WHOLE life. But enough of it.

I love my family and I love my friends. I have a lot of love but I'm not going to waste it on people that won't appreciate it. With that said, I have wasted plenty of emotions on people that suck. (Not really eloquent there but I can't think of a better word right now.) Even so, I can walk away from those experiences with valuable knowledge. For that, I thank the jerks.

I have my more poetic moments and I can be extremely sensitive, but don't think I won't laugh at my own crass jokes. Or yours either. Hahahahaha

I love to laugh.

It's difficult for me to write about myself because I don't think there is anything absolute about me. Only fools deal with absolutes. But sometimes something will be absolutely something else. I'll let you know about it. I live in memorable moments and this is as good a place as any to share them with the world. See what I see through my mind. Get to know me =)



And to me, this was an amazing find by a friend:

1 comment:

  1. awesome blog! and yes...only fools deal with absolutes :) speak that truth! lol


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