Tuesday, March 10, 2009

EXCUSE ME?!?!? O, I am DEFINITELY better than you

This happened a couple of days ago and I am STILL fuming.

NO one talks to my mother that way and gets away with it.

So the "super" in my building replaced all the light fixtures in the apartment last year because the old wires gave out and burned itself up (very dangerous and could have started an electrical fire). He doesn't have an electrician license nor does he know what the hell he's doing...ever. It took him over a WEEK to replace FOUR fixtures because he drags out jobs to clock in more hours and takes on several jobs at the same time in other buildings. And on top of that, he does a terrible job at EVERYTHING he does.

One of the fixtures he installed stopped working so we asked the landlord to get it fixed. We've told the landlord before that it's necessary to hire someone with a proper license to do electrical work and plumbing. The landlord sends this guy back time after time. I'm guessing it's because he's cheap, but I doubt the landlord knows about this guy's shady bookkeeping. We ask for ONE fixture to be repaired. This guy comes knocking on our door with FOUR new fixtures. What?! Ok, fine. Whatever. It's not coming out of our pocket so I'm really not going to argue about it.

This guy knocks on the door as I'm getting ready to leave for work so obviously I'm going to tell him to come back later that evening around 5:30 when my mom is home. He knocks when my mom is in the shower so she ignores him. He KEEPS knocking on the door even after my mom yells through the door that she's in the shower. Example #1 that he's a prick.

He comes back at 10:30...PM. My mom tells him to come back early the next morning because she's about to go to sleep. He says that the job will only take half an hour. As IF we're going to believe him with HIS track record. My mom told him she's not letting him in the apartment at this hour. He gets all pissy about it but he finally agrees to come back at 9:30am. Being pissy about two women not letting him in the apartment at 10:30pm? Example #2 that he's a prick.

He comes knocking at 8:30am, an hour ahead of the agreed upon time. My mom said, "O. You're early. Didn't you say you were coming around 9:30?" Innocent enough question and my mom did not say he couldn't come in anyway. But he starts throwing ANOTHER hissy fit about how we never let him in to do the job we ask him to do. This b*itch. So my mom throws it back in his face ALL the reasons why we turned him away the three times he came at very very inconvenient times. He keeps talkin all that BS because he thinks he's going head to head with one person. I come around the door and all of a sudden when it can be 2 against 1, he wants to get to work. Example #3 that he's a prick.

Fine. He says half an hour. We'll see. TWO and a half hours and two blown fuses later, he finally gets all the new fixtures in and they all work. But the fixture in my mom's room is wobbly and my mom asked him to secure it into the ceiling because she doesn't want it to come crashing down on her in the middle of the night. He's grumbling about having to do that because he's so sure it's not going to fall off the ceiling. Complaining that a tenant is asking him to secure his handiwork so there are no casualties? Example #4 that he's an asshole.

He goes and gets a ratty piece of wood to secure the fixture and it looks HORRIBLE because there is about 2 inches of the nasty peg just chillin on the side of the chrome fixture. My mom asks him if he can do something about that. He starts GOING off about how if she has so many damn requests why doesn't she just go buy a house and live there herself if she is so damned worried about how her place looks. My mom is LIVID and appalled at his statements. WHO is HE to say that?! So my mom comes out of her room and I ask her what all the yelling is about. When that idiot "super" comes out after NOT fixing the ugliness and incompetence that riddles his work I REALLY get into it with him. I handle children. I can project my voice. So I yelled at him! ACROSS TWO ROOMS. I told him very loudly that he has NO right to say what he did because it is utterly disrespectful and he has shown NOTHING but disrespect towards us from day 1. So he was like "uh uh uh...well...uh...I wouldn't say that to the landlord...uh...I was only saying it to you guys because..uh...we know each other so well." My response, "EXCUSE ME! YOU STILL DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO US AND DO NOT GET IT TWISTED! YOU AND I, WE DO NOT A RELATIONSHIP! YOU DO NOT KNOW US! DON'T YOU DARE SHOW DISRESPECT!"

And this point he left...with his tail between his legs.

Stupid lowly little man. He should be VERY glad I wasn't in the room while he was talking ish on top of a ladder. VERY glad


  1. You should report them to the Better Business Bureau or whatever exists like that for renters. Perhaps you can take pictures of what he has done along with an account of his verbal assault and send them to the landlord. Hell, start a petition in the building to get some muscle behind your case for having the guy removed. Maybe I'm too idealistic, but you gotta get rid of this guy! The nerve he has...appalling. And if you don't have it already, you might want to get some renter's insurance in case something does go wrong; knock on wood.


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