Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Boys Boys Boys...Men...

I’m not the most beautiful woman by any standards and I do not attempt to carry myself in that manner. You get what you see...I’m not flashy or the most stylish, just normal. I’m a jeans and t-shirts kind of gal and I like to blend in with the crowd. If I saw this very debonair guy on the street in a 3-piece suit and I’m in just jeans and looking a mess… I doubt I would approach him. Hell, I probably wouldn’t even make eye contact with him…. So what possesses some men to approach women looking the way they do?
I have had 50 year-old men who look haggard and homeless approach me when my friends and I are out on the town. Here we are, 4 nicely dressed young women and some guy comes up to us and keeps bothering us. When the first thing a woman says to you is “no I don’t have any change” you may want to consider showering, shaving, and washing your clothes at some point. I must say… I’m a pimp… I have successfully gotten hit on by every homeless guy here in Atlanta. Woo!

Also… lets be realistic. Yes, women and men marry/date outside of their age groups often…but there’s usually some reasoning behind that. If a 19 year old co-ed is marrying a 65 year old man…you know you’re going to wonder what company he owns or how much he invested in the stock markets. I mean…what does a 19 year old have to say to a 65 year old man besides “hey grandpa”?

Here are some of the guidelines I force upon myself while searching for guys…maybe these can help you form your own:

-Age limit. Mine is : 10 years older, three years younger. This means that I will not date anyone more than three years younger than me and more than ten years older. Both are issues of maturity for me: any younger and they’re basically a freshman in college (ew) and any older and they probably have already been married once or twice and possibly have kids. I like kids,but...I refuse to be a stepmom after the way I treated my own (lol). I also don’t want the bitter remnants of a divorce hanging over me. I will make rare exceptions

-Like + Like = good. Ok so I’m out of shape a bit and could stand to drop some lbs… I honestly can’t really expect a bodybuilder or a male model to want to date me. It happens, I know, but how comfortable would I be with a person that works out everyday when I refuse to go to the gym? Same goes with money, looks, and "situation". I don’t have children…you shouldn’t yet. I’m not a millionaire…you don’t have to be. I’m not a 10 or whatever… you don’t have to be. Its okay to “upgrade” but be realistic. If you are 55, fat, with 3 kids, and are in debt...don’t expect the people you date to be total opposites on all those levels at the same time…come on.

I’m not saying to be shallow and make up a list such as: “dd cups but a size 0”, but just be realistic in making up your list. Would you want someone to write you off just because you’re ______. Then don’t enforce the same on someone. I have been told I would be “perfect” if I dressed up more and wore heels all the time by someone who constantly wore white tees, jeans and sneakers. Um… so I have to get all dressed up to go with you somewhere where you can get away with just wearing jeans. Yea right. I suggest you look in the mirror, then make your list. Opposites do attract…but I doubt any of them are total opposites.


  1. we all have our delusions...hahahahaha

  2. I am incredibly hard on myself. I go for the idealistic guy in my head, but then again I don't. By that I mean, I look for him and in my mind I want to smile at him or saunter over and say something clever to capture his attention, but I hardly ever do. Instead, I find myself in the corner, super shy and wishing I could get him, with rare exceptions. I'm always told that I'm beautiful and should model (yeah right!), but inner confidence counts for a lot (well, there's a mouth full). One of my friends always seems to get these basketball player tall, fine fellas and I'm like how? Several of them flock to her at one party even! She's not a ten either, but her advice to me was you have your mind set that you want and will talk to "that guy" and allow yourself to emote that. She never approaches a man, by the way. So, positive inner thoughts or at least just be open not down trodden by self doubt and you could start seeing results. I see results when I'm not thinking about how I'm going to get the guy and scrutinizing my shortcomings in the process. It can work! I wholeheartedly agree, one must be realistic, BUT NEVER SETTLE. I advocate for trying to fix that bad credit, gut, and get over the failed divorce while single. That route, in my opinion, only makes one more secure and puts him/her in a better position to get whomever he/she wants.

  3. I draw the line at 7 years younger. 15 year olds are too into Myspace.

  4. 7 years younger!!!?!?!??!?! WHAT?!?!?! Gosh...I have trouble with one year younger. Three is reasonable...7?!?! You would date a 16 yr old? How old are you Guy Incog?

  5. Old enough that 15 year olds are too immature for me.

  6. lol Guy Incog! I'm pretty sure he's joking Anon :P.

  7. P.S. Is this post looking smushed to anyone else? It wasnt like that when I first posted it and now its all crazy...I keep tweaking it but it stays looking like this. Sorry :(

  8. LOL I just read this. Guy Incog is too funny/ I'm tempted to take his words at face value.


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