Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm High Right Now...

I’m feeling so high right now!

It’s great when the right people enter your life at the right time. Lord knows I was feeling down, especially after this weekend, when my grandpa turned 90…

Just as I predicted in last week’s entry, my father finally is getter bitter and outspoken about my current plight – unemployment. So, I arrive at my grandpa’s birthday festivities only to be engaged in a “heated” discussion with my uncle about my recent choices/behavior. My dad had clearly been talking to him more than me, as Uncle had all the inside scoop. No matter, I’m always willing to listen, and it turns out I was receptive to his diatribe about me needing to pursue employment as ambitiously as my interests/hobbies.

Now my uncle was fully expecting to utterly destroy me with reasons as to why I should drop music and get off my “lazy” behind. Unfortunately for him, he was finally confronted with Musecatto’s true, strong-willed, and contentious nature. Thus, he had to settle for a compromise and instructing me to be both practical and a dreamer. And he was/is right.

Now when we got back home, I guess my dad took the evening’s events as his cue to start with the aforementioned “dreaded ultimatum” – Get a job, pay rent, watch how much water you use, etc! Needless to say, I was instantaneously flooded with hateful emotions and ludicrous thoughts of moving out and spreading my wings. I was stuck and unhappy and it seemed things were only going to get worse.

THEN, my newfound music buddy called me and had me come in to the studio to write and record a track today – it went phenomenally! I can say I haven’t felt so much joy, excitement, and fulfillment in…years.

I’m high right now, and if I had my way, I’d never come down.
But then, my Uncle did offer me some honest and needed advice that I acknowledged as “right.” So, if I’m smart…I’ll actually end up getting off my “high” horse and coming down.
We shall see…

Be well,  

*I'm so high on life I didn't even proofread this haha...okay, maybe just a little*


  1. It's funny how folks who have their life settled all of a sudden have an urge to get belligerent about other people who haven't gotten it "all together"...yet.

    Keep doin' you. The best they can do is give you advice but you have to live your one else.

  2. I am in the same boat as you. I don't want to compromise even in this recession! I've started looking into areas that will eventually lead to where I want to go though. I'm worried about running out of money or getting to the point where I'm forced to take any job just to go to dinner or something. May I make one recommendation? Offer to pay one bill if you aren't already. My Mom has surprisingly, barring one exception, kept quiet for MONTHS since I left my job! I pay one major bill a month and I haven't asked her for a dime. I try to avoid asking her for anything including her advice. I make myself scarce and I do a couple chores.

  3. Hey Anon,

    *Update - I am now EXACTLY in your position, lol. I'm paying one/two bills per month and I already do chores...I also already make myself scarce in terms of "communication."

    ...Anon, are you sure you aren't me? haha. Thanks for the comment

  4. HAHA! I am YOU! Haha...I wanna know who you are...we should get together and commiserate!


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