Saturday, June 13, 2009

STD Carriers, I discriminate so stay in hiding!

STDs are a BIG no-no in my book.  My fear of contracting one is one of the reasons why some might call me a sexual prude.

Actually, I used to wonder what people with STDs looked like.  Of course I know that STDs don't change your physical appearance...for the most part...but I've always been curious to see how the infections affect human behavior.

1.  Do people with STDs dress more conservatively to cover up the "shame?"
2.  Do they dress more raunchy to over-compensate for their "shame?"
3.  Are they self-conscious and thus, a bit quieter or introverted?
4.  Do STD carriers walk around without concern and ready for their next "hoo-rah?"

Whatever the answer, I know if I ever contracted an STD, even if it was treatable, I'd be devastated.  There would be a noticeable hermit/self-esteem effect.

Of all the STDs, I fear Herpes the most & I don't care if it's simplex I or II! These days, with unprotected oral sex on the rise, it really doesn't matter which you have.  Both simplexes can be passed to and from the mouth and genitals.  

So, the minute I see a blister or red marks all around your lips, EXPECT a change in behavior.  I'll still like you and be friends if you're a good person, but don't stare at my water bottle and then ask me for a sip.  You're thirsty and you have herpes?  Where's your bottle then?  You know it's contagious, right?

My answer to your inquiry:

"No" or "I'll SAVE you some"

I still love you, though.  I actually have a friend who contracted a treatable STD a few months ago.  I'm happy for him that it was temporary because I wouldn't want him to go through the rest of his life with that insecurity.  Also, I really didn't care because he's still a good person, and, honestly, I'm not ever having sex with him so why should I care.

Be well


  1. why does this have no comments? readers got STDs or something? kiddinggggggg....
    anyway, I agree with you about most of this stuff and to answer your question about how a person with an STD acts: 4. STD carriers walk around without concern and ready for their next "hoo-rah". Not all, but A LOT!

  2. That's the scary part. So we need to do our part to protect ourselves


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