Friday, June 12, 2009

Scratch and Sniff

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We talked about sex!

Now let's talk about the side effects... STI's:

First...some OH SO SEXY stats (taken from the American Social Health Association )

-More than half of all people will have an STD/STI at some point in their lifetime.

-The estimated total number of people living in the US with a viral STD/STI is over 65 million. Every year, there are at least 19 million new cases of STDs/STIs, some of which are curable.

-Each year, one in four teens contracts an STD/STI.

-One in two sexually active persons will contact an STD/STI by age 25.

-It is estimated that as many as one in five Americans have genital herpes, a lifelong (but manageable) infection, yet up to 90 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it.

-With more than 50 million adults in the US with genital herpes and up to 1.6 million new infections each year, some estimates suggest that by 2025 up to 40% of all men and half of all women could be infected.


WHAT THE HELL?! This is some scary SHIT. 65 Million people have them!!! By 2025 – 40% of the population could have herpes!!! WTF. Seriously people….we need to work on this. Use condoms ALL THE TIME. I don’t care if its your boyfriend of three years…and you trust him. USE A DAMN CONDOM. Get tested every 2 or 3 months! I have heard horror stories of women who get AIDs/Herpes from their husbands (and vica versa…equal opportunity diseases) and can’t understand why. All it takes is for them to cheat once and not tell you…and tada…shiny new gift.

I’m really scared…like …devastatingly scared. I haven’t had sex in YEARS (my friends won't believe it...but its true!) and I don’t plan on it because of all of the fear involved. You can protect yourself only so much. For instance…while researching the statistics above…I came across a board for people who have herpes (I googled Trojan STD Commercials) and they were outraged that some of these commercials stated that simply using a condom can prevent herpes. IT DOESN’T! WHAT THE HELL!? Herpes is transmitted through skin to skin contact. So…unless you’re using a full body condom…there’s a high chance your privates may still touch an infected area. Never having sex again…just gonna buy a vibrator or something…they don’t give you herpes!

Be safe readers...

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