Tuesday, June 9, 2009

THE Illest HANGOVER everrr!!!!

O. My. Gawd.


...funniest movie I've seen...if not EVER...then in a REALLY LONG TIME!!!

How can you NOT watch this one? Bachelor party in Las Vegas gone extreeeeemely wrong. Except no one can remember any of it. And they dun lost the damn groom!

Time for some alliteration:

Boobs. Bush. Benz. Booze. Ballin'. Beasts. Brothers. Baby. Boxer. Bets. Bangin'. Bitches. Bootin'. Bare Butts. Babes. BJs. Blackmail. Balls. Brazen. Bad Boys. Burglary. Bellies. Broads. Buffoonery. Bunghole-ness. Bachelors Behaving Badly.


From start to finish, it was AWESOME. They even threw in some heartfelt stuff in there. But don't worry, that was kept at a minimum. All three of those moments literally went like this:


There weren't a lot of giggle moments. There were hella GUFFAW sessions!!! I don't think there was more than a four to five minute lapse between laughs.

I can't stress enough how hilarious this movie is.

I hate hype around movies. I usually only use them as gauges for whether or not I should spend a grip on a movie I had already thought about seeing. I don't use it to tell me WHAT movies to see. That initial decision to take any movie in consideration comes from movie trailers. I look for substance, people. Popularity contests stay in the school yard. I'm grown. I have a mind of my own. You can only do your worst to convince me.

But damn! You can't go wrong when EVERY review (whether from a pro critic or lil tweets on twitter) says it's the funniest movie ever!

What does it have? All types of humor. Slap stick (of which there are plenty). Racial (lightly so). Dark (some very o damn moments). Witty (no doubt). Crude (um, hell yea!).

I'm telling you. Watch this one. You won't regret it.


My love for this gem of a comedy:

If you want more:


  1. This is exxxxxxxxactly how my trip (in 16 days eep!) will be...minus the tiger and the baby.

    I plan on pulling a montreal sooo hardcore - I'm drinking the ENTIRE time...starting with my 9 a.m. flight until my departure on the 30th! I will be making little videos here and there...so hopefully i'll have lots to share!!!!!!

    This movie doesnt help my anxiety- I WANT TO GO NOW NOW NOW! :D

  2. All I gotta say is...BRING YOUR CAMERA and have it with you at ALL TIMES


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