Friday, May 15, 2009

Where in the world...?!

I've only been to two other countries (not including layover areas)...Canada and China...multiple times...I mean Canada is huge and China (is as well) is more diverse than most people would suspect

But...I haven't really been anywhere else...I haven't even ventured off the east coast...farthest I've gone is Tennesee...woot flippin' woot.

I guess that's a lot more than a lot of people have visited...but there is so much more out there that I haven't seen.

EUROPE...That's definitely somewhere I want to be. To me, it's like China. Land anywhere and you can go anywhere else and everything is different from everything else even if you just cross a bridge to the next village/town/country border. (Well, China has certain restrictions on certain areas.)

AFRICA...If I wasn't such a succulent treat to mosquitoes, I would definitely try to make it over there at some point. While the decision to take African Studies classes in college was solely based on a guaranteed A/A-, I did learn some stuff and it's all really interesting. The professor didn't dwell on geography so much as the social studies aspect. And besides, PYRAMIDS!!!

THE REST OF THE USofA...I'd love to visit Cali and other spots around the country. I wouldn't mind revisiting Florida...ahhahaa

Other places I'd like to see...(but, sorry, second place to the areas above):

Anything south of the Tex-Mex border. There are some spots I'd like to hit up but I honestly don't know enough about central/south America and those terrible quality 80s and early 90s educational films didn't really make it appealing.

Australia/New Zealand
...I heard it's BEAUTIFUL there. All these bad weekend adventure shows on the WB (like BEASTMASTER and THE LOST WORLD...who can forget XENA and HERCULES) were all shot in either Canada or New Zealand. Lord of the Rings was shot there, too! But I'm not much of an I'm not sure how well I'd fair there. hahahaha But it's a nice thought!

I don't see why I wouldn't return to China but definitely also on my list! And I guess when I'm there, I can visit other Asian countries as well but I have no deep desire to see any ONE in particular.

WOOOH..that's a full plate

If you've been to any of these places, lemme know about them!!!

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