Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's The Law

Before I get into the meat of my post, I'd like to second the enthusiasm of my fellow bloggers for Rihanna's very entertaining pics. The nipple piercings are awesome beyond words. I'd highly highly recommend recreational piercings to almost everyone. Have low self-esteem? A piercing will help with that! Have high self-esteem? You probably already have one.

I read an article today about the fate of some of the more memorable members of the graduating class of 1990 of Harvard Law School. Harvard is a good benchmark to use for success, because, if you couldn't make it coming out of HLS, you couldn't make it anywhere.

With that said, the stories contained in the article aren't stories of laziness or irresponsibility. Instead, I saw again and again in those memoirs the best and brightest being defeated not by work beyond their caliber but instead by disillusionment, self-loathing and despair. Law just really isn't for everyone. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, the more creative and intelligent you are, the less law is the career for you.

Do you thrive on blazing new paths and setting unforeseen precedents? That is the exact opposite of what a lawyer does. A lawyer checks to see what people have been doing for the past 2000 years or so, then sits and engages in a rather lackluster intellectual exercise intended to determine the worst possible outcome that could arrive from deviating from a very clearly delineated path.

If you're the kind of person who is willing to slave away at a thankless project for days or weeks all to impress people and earn well-deserved praise, law isn't for you. You'll do the work alright, but go in expecting years to pass before your exertions are acknowledged, if they ever are. You're A. The attorney above you is B. The partner is C. C will give B assignments. B will then give them to you. You'll do the work. B will then look at the work you did and give it to C. If C is happy, B will continue giving you work. You will never hear how happy C was with your memo. If C is unhappy, bend over and clench. B will immediately try to distance himself from the project as much as possible making it clear that it was your assignment. C won't give a shit because he won't even know who you are, but expect B to put his dick in you repeatedly for the next week to year depending on how displeased C was.

Do you like having free time?
The mantra in law is that if you have free time, you're stealing from the company. Time is meant to be billed to clients. Period. Forever ever? Forever ever ever.


  1. so, what are you feeling these days? excited? Can't quite tell if you're just giving an objective analysis or hinting at the deepest worries in your mind.

  2. "Law just really isn't for everyone. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that, the more creative and intelligent you are, the less law is the career for you."

    I think that needs to be Harvard Law School's New Slogan....bravo!!

  3. Muse, my only worry ever is not landing a job that pays the big bucks. I'm anxious in that respect. As far as second thoughts go, those are for the naive.

  4. Well...yea I have to agree with a lot of this. I got a heart-to-heart from one of the nicest attorneys I know and he was very up-front and point blank about it. He's like "if you don't truly truly love will fail at it or lose hope with it". He mentioned that many of his fellow NYU Law Grads have all either totally dropped law or are currently loathing it and looking for a way out. Apparently I cant just roll in the dough- that doesn't seem to make them get through. Based on your list though- I might be a good fit:

    -Do you thrive on blazing new paths and setting unforeseen precedents? HELL NO - Check

    -the kind of person who is willing to slave away at a thankless project for days or weeks all to impress people and earn well-deserved praise, law isn't for you. PFT I'll eventually get my recognition!

    After finding out how much some of the partners in my firm are making...even if I hate it (most people hate their jobs anyway)...I can stick it out until I make partner...then stick it out for a few more years then just quit. Can you be hypnotized into liking a career? That might be a viable can be hypnotized into not smoking...

  5. I'll be sure to check in with you both in about 15 years.

  6. yeah it'll prob take you about 25 yrs to fig make it to the goal you laid out southern substance and if you have to fake it that'd prob wake up one day and be sorry for the life you've thrown away. the good news is you'll still have life to live. the bad news is you won't be nearly as limber or energetic as you are now. i'm in transition myself and i feel like i've been getting sign after recently came from the first black woman to reach the north pole, barbara hillary. she said, "the basic tenets of your life, the fiber, should come from you. you should live in terms of what is meaningful in your life. because this is all that you know. you don't live for people. you must carry something of meaning and merit into your own sunset years." that resonated with me. good luck!

    as to guy's clear you've made tremendous efforts to get into law school and forge your path...this entry makes it impossible to make the conclusion that should follow and that is you that you love the law. it sounds like you hate it, but choose to chase the big pay check. is that really the only profession you can think of that will harness your talents and help you produce big bucks? i'd be interested in your response.


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