Friday, May 22, 2009


AGHHHH!!!!! Reality TV

I didn't get into the Survivor thing. Never watched Real World. Didn't follow American Idol.

I DID get really hype about Flavor of Love and I Love New York (just the first seasons for both). WHY?! Because EVERYONE was a character! O man. I CHEERED for certain contestants. My friends and I would RUN back the house or stop at a common area with a TV JUST to catch the episodes. If we couldn't...YOUTUBE!!!! We DISCUSSED the show. WTF?! Discuss WHAT?! Nonsense. We were emotionally attached to NONSENSE!!!

THAT, my friends, is entertainment and media today. SAD!

For the most part, reality TV really means unrealistic competitions and celebrities/randos at home on camera. How REAL is anything on those shows? Reality TV is definitely a misnomer.

Competing for LOVE? What do those challenges have ANYTHING to do with finding your soulmate or even a DATE?

Competing for MONEY? Again, the challenges very rarely accurately simulate real life challenges to get that paper.

Competing for a CONTRACT? See Competing for MONEY.

Celebrities and Randos at Home? I mean, we all love some Celebrity Voyeurism. I get that. Seeing the lives of the rich and famous. Are they like REAL people, too?! What kind of homes and toys did they get with all that moola?! But, I'm not sure why people are so fascinated with Average Joes and what they do. I guess we're all just nosy, nosy people.

We consume these shows probably with more fervor and regularity than scripted shows. At least with scripted shows we know it's fake and can chalk up overly dramatic scenarios to it just being TV. But these reality shows are just as bad if not WORSE with the drama! I can't even tell if shows like Laguna Beach, The Hills, and whatever spin-offs and racially different incarnations (I'm lookin at you, Harlem Heights) are real or scripted.

Fun shows like America's Best Dance Crew don't really CHANGE society. They make us more aware, maybe, of whatever it is they're promoting (in ABDC's case, dance). But shows like Cribs and America's Next Top Model give people a REALLY skewed view of how things work. People start thinking that having BLING BLAO is a necessity and money is a RIGHT, instead of a privilege. People get the wrong idea of how certain industries work and what it TRULY takes to be the best at anything.

SMH. On a larger scale, reality TV is truthful lies. Degrades society like it's a luxury to be wasted. THIS IS SOCIETY, PEOPLE!!! We have worked TOO hard at being civilized just to eminate the few that are bottom feeders. We have worked TOO hard believing that we reap benefits from hard work just to watch other people swim in cash for doing very little in a short period of time.

Again. Not ALL shows are like that. But enough people are stuck on the bad shows to really worry me. An besides, why should I, would I sit in front of a TV and watch SOMEONE ELSE'S life happen while my days just whiz by?

So I'm going to leave reality TV alone and enjoy my scripted melodramas and overacted comedies.

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