Friday, May 22, 2009

Reality TV and Me :-)

It's safe to say I'm a reality TV addict at this point.  

It began senior winter, when I was sharing an apartment with two good friends. That term, Flavor of Love 2 came out, and my roommates decided to make the show our "bonding" time.  We would all get together, cook & eat, crack jokes, and have ourselves a grand old time.  Little did we know we would become so attached to the shows characters that we'd go on to watch "I Love NY" and "Charm School" later that same school year.  It just seemed like an "innocent" guilty pleasure back then...

Fast forward to 2009...  

I'm 100 pounds heavier - 302 lbs, can't see my feet when/if I walk, my bed has permanent dent in it, and my floor is covered with ice cream containers...

You believe me?  That's completely untrue.  

Okay, here's a sampling of the Reality TV shows I've watched this year.  Keep in mind it's ONLY MAY!

I Love Money 2 - Favorite.  I swear by this show. So funny and surprisingly exciting
Real World Brooklyn - Watched (this is the 1st season I've watched in entirety)
Making the Band 4 - Great season, lots of group fighting and music
G's to Gents - Watched the 2nd half of season
For the Love of Ray J - Meh, but watched it
American Idol - Watched.  Adam or Allison should have won. The End.
NY Goes to Work - Barely watch this!  Only if I happen upon it
Taking the Stage - Never got into it really.  Just a way to waste time
Tough Love - addiction to Reality TV was NOT strong enough to get me to consistently view that garbage.

I really need to block MTV and VH1 programming.  What's more, I didn't have cable growing up, so my penchant for cable reality is definitely a recent, unexpected development.  This past Monday, while watching New York working at a nudist resort, my Dad walked in and asked, "What are you watching?  Where do you find this stuff?!"  

It's time for a change, right? Hmmm, maybe I'll wait until the series finale, or better yet, the reunion special! ha 

The appeal of reality shows for me is the fierce competition combined with shameless behavior.  After 22 years of seeing perfection and poise on basic TV 24/7, it was a welcomed surprise to see multidimensional characters - real people unashamed to go  in front of the camera without a filter.  You learn to appreciate the flaws and discover every person has some good in them, even if it's only their intentions.

I am happy to say now that American Idol is over, there aren't any reality TV shows piquing my interest at the moment.  

I've even starting watching NBA basketball again! (a childhood favorite)

And don't judge me.  WHO KNOWS what YOUR guilty pleasure is...

Be Well,


  1. We should all go on Real World - that would be amazing.

    7 of us trapped in a small space together...oh wait...sounds like Guy Incog's room freshman year lol.

  2. and LOL at your dad catching you.

    I didnt mention I love NY and Flavor of love but I did like those shows! I totally forgot about Making the Band because I only catch it sporadically but yea- WILLIE IS SO DAMN FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE...


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