Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Opposites My Ass...


What do people mean when they say opposites attract?

Like…TOTAL opposites? Or just opposite on a few things….?

Lately I’ve been ‘matching’ myself with the people around me; people that work in my office or that I see all the time at restaurants, events, etc and I just don’t know about that. How can you be so opposite with someone but still manage to stay together? I’m assuming that people mean that they are opposite on a few things at a time and not everything. Can’t be…

For instance, this guy in my firm is a true Renaissance/Do-All guy if I’ve ever seen one. He works at this firm 7 days a week (every time I come in on Sat/Sun he is here!) at least 6 hours a day, he volunteers for the ASPCA and other animal activism groups, he is active in his community- serving as a member of the board, travels the world…and…on top of all of this…the man is an avid gardener and baker. I mean…what the fuck…? I can’t even bring myself to get out of bed before noon on the weekends (part of that is just me being lazy and wanting 12 hours of sleep) and this guy is baking damn raisin bread to bring into work, saving puppies, and tending his beautiful rose gardens all the while getting dressed for work with a huge smile on his face. I could NOT be with this guy…it just wouldn’t work. He’s a great guy but… can you imagine?!! I’d have to kill him for flicking the lights on at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning to get up and get dressed for the day. He is my total opposite and it just wouldn’t work. How could we be compatible?

Gotta find a middle ground somewhere lol. I just know there are certain things I can NOT accept differing views on because I know they would cause a huge rift in the relationship and I’m not willing to try or change to repair them (yea…I’m a bitch and I probably deserve to be alone…whatever).

1. Homophobic/Anti-Gay Rights – I can’t budge. If you don’t like gays or think that gay marriage should not be allowed…we will not get along. Move along. And if you even think to use the word “faggot (sorry guys…)”- yea…just don’t even bother talking to me.

2. Racist – Obviously if you hate black people...move along lol. Ok…so you’re black (like me) but you hate ______ group of people. No thanks. Move along. I don’t like racism on any level and, though I know everyone has thought one racist thought or maybe said something that could be viewed as racist, if you are unable to see how you could have offended someone when they bring it up or are unwilling to change…move along. You can say/think whatever you want, but uh…I reserve the right not to have dealings with you because of that.

3. Just Damn Mean!- Fine… We all know that Southern Substance is a bitch. This is obvious. But there’s a difference between being a bitch and being a horrible person. I will not laugh at a person with disabilities or laugh at a person because of their looks or clothes (to their face anyway...I try not to do it at all but it happens...). I will not tease/bait homeless people just to watch them do stupid stuff for money. Good example: I was on my bus riding home a few months back and a woman began to get sick on the bus (vomiting). I was across the aisle from her and I and others helped to get napkins and get a trash can so that she wouldn’t mess her clothes up. I was not concerned about a little vomit getting on me (none did) or anything like that…but more concerned about her health and safety. Now…there was this guy sitting next to her who I thought was cute and had chit-chatted with a few times. He was REPULSED. He scooted all the way to the window and kept shooting her these dirty looks as if she could help what was happening. He never once asked if she was alright or anything of that nature. He kept saying “ew…fucking gross” and even got on the phone with a friend to complain about the fact that the bus driver pulled over to come and help this woman so he would be late getting home. She was not SPEWING everywhere and, in fact, barely got any on herself, let alone anyone else. I was more disgusted by him than this strangers’ vomit. A little vomit on you won’t kill you but something could have seriously been wrong with this woman and he, in his fucking white Hanes t-shirt, is too worried that some will get on him? Needless to say…the next time he talked to me, I mentioned how horrible his reaction was and we never spoke again. I don’t know how I could be with someone who cares so little for someone else…even if they are a stranger… would you be him or me in this situation? Be honest...

Just my two cents….


  1. good list!

    and i don't think people meant ABSOLUTE opposites...that's just grounds for emotional turmoil

    i think people mean complementary opposites...well rounded relationships know, enough interests in common so that there's something to talk about but not so much so that you seem joined at the the babies will have awesome parents who will teach them EVERYTHING! =) renaissance man would make me feel bad about lounging about...=\

  2. I tried the whole opposites attract thing and realized that someone who is my complete opposite will never respect or appreciate me.

    Then again, there are sooo many levels to this opposites thing. I was with a guy who was anti-gay rights, kinda racist (even though he has a fascination with black chicks), republican, and a bit of an asshole but our personalities clicked so well...even though I'm NOTHING like that. our only flaw was his need to sleep around.

    is Mr. Renaissance man single? that's quite the resume!

  3. Lol- Mr. Renaissance is indeed single! But honestly how can he possibly have time for a wife?!

    I would snatch him up myself but my laziness and inability to rise before noon on non-work days would kill the relationship as well as my lack of zest for gardening (looks interesting...too lazy), the fact that I would gain 300 lbs (love baked goods), and the fact that since he's headed to the office I 'might as well too' which would mean no more weekends free. Bleh. Plus he's just too damn nice.... I should have added that under mean. Can't be too damn smiley and happy all the time! lol


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