Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Job Hunt

MAN Hunt

I'm on the PROWL

I've got my puma eye on you -->

...except I'm not every proactive with either =\

The Job thing...totally my fault. I'm completely comfortable at my current job even though I really want to be somewhere else (with better benefits, higher pay, and job security). I mean, I can get up at noon and still get to work on time during the week. And I'm like, The Shit, at work. Why? No idea. Am I really The Shit? I don't think so, but it's all relative and sometimes I embrace delusions to get through the day. Hahaha

The drawback to my work schedule is my Saturdays are BRUTAL. I have to be in around 8am to set things up before the rest of the staff arrives, and I work pretty much nonstop until 5:30. Yes, I know. Boo flipping hoo. I have a pretty average day that everyone else has 5 days a week to my ONE day. Except teaching 4 different subjects and grades all in one day really is taxing. ALSO, needing to be at work at 8am on a Saturday means I can't really go out and stay out Friday nights and I'm WAY too pooped by the end of the day to go out and wile out Saturday nights either.

ALL that hinders my MAN hunt. I work with a mostly male staff during the week. I'm not attracted to ANY of them. In fact, one REALLY creeps me out. The weekend staff is all female. I can't go out on weekends and I don't go out during the week. WHEN and WHERE am I gonna find me a man?!?!?!

I'm gonna be old REALLY soon. I mean, after 21, the next milestone is kinda 25, just because it's a quarter century. 30 is right around the corner from there. I won't be 25 this year but I'm getting DAMN close. TOO close. And I don't like it. I thought I'd be close to getting my life together and pretty well on the way to starting a family.


I am nowhere near either goal. What am I gonna do?!?!?!

What CAN I do...? I've kind of lost my trail on these hunts. I need to get back on track.


  1. yuck...

    Thank you for condemning me to my grave damn. 30 is not old...it's just older. Hopefully you don't rush into some haphazard relationship to meet these goals... most of the people our ages who are getting married or are already married will be divorced soon. We're too young...we don't even know who we are yet let alone who we will be in 10 years. I'm not saying wait forever...I'm just saying...don't rush into something just because you had a goal at age 15 (that's when I set my life plan). I bet you also expected to be rich (doctor/lawyer etc) and living the good life by now...I know I did. Time to readjust the plans based on a more realistic model lol.

  2. age 4...i set mine at age 4...i also thought work started at age 5...LOL...and yes, asian doctor dream..LOL

    but i know...it's just...i'm almost OLD!!!!

  3. I just turned 25. I'm still in school and graduating is so far into the future that I can't even envision it. I have no husband. I have no fiance. I have no boyfriend. hell, I can't even keep a f*** buddy! I have no desire to become a mother. I only have the the desire to desire becoming a mother and that's a crappy feeling! when my mom was 25, she was married with 2 kids. it really sucks.

    I have a job that pays well, but I really suck at it. My major is English (minor is journalism) and I get to read about how all the magazines and newspapers are shutting down. if that's not enough to make me crawl under my desk and remain in the fetal position until further notice, I don't know what is.

    all of this to say YOU ARE NOT ALONE and thanks for writing this because now I see that I'm not alone. 30 is the new 70.

  4. I just like to think of it as...since we are living longer (and having sex later and later in our lives THANKS VIAGRA) there's no need to rush. Standards have just changed so much that accomplishing your major goals by 25 is no longer the norm or the standard.

    60 years ago...sure...people had the white picket fence and the dream husband all by now. They had the amazing job (or were a stay-at-home mom/wife) and had great future potential and the ability to retire at 50 ish lol. You didnt need advanced college degrees really or anything of that nature.

    Fast forward to now and its like... you need a bachelor's of arts to work at McDonalds basically. You can't get an amazing amazing (think: THIS IS MY CAREER FOREVER) type job with just an undergraduate degree- teaching requires more schooling, doctors/lawyers require more schooling, nurses/vets/dentist... all of that takes more. So 25 is no longer a realistic goal at all because most people graduate by 22 or 23.

    Since we are now living well into our mid to late 70's...we can push 'old' and 'I should be married/have kids by now' back as well. Women are having children well into their 50s *(Though I dont recommend it) due to better medical care and understanding. It's not uncommon to see a 35 year old woman becoming a mother for the first time, and though the health risks are higher, they're still relatively low.

    So since we live about 10 or 15 more years...old is now... 35-40 (38 for middle ground lol)! Keep chugging for about 14 more years!


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