Friday, April 24, 2009

Even though you’re doing drugs, you still need the proper etiquette.

Okay, so the guy two whole spots to the right of you just sparked the blunt. I know you’re excited and itching to take a hit, but you have to just chill out. For those of you who are casual smokers, you need to know a few essential and simple rules that the lifted follow to heart. I know a lot of you know how to smoke- but I just want to stress the unspoken code among the real tree lovers. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll always be welcomed for another one with the more elevated bunch:

1- The roller gets to spark up the piece. Don’t ever try to touch that from his hand. That’s grounds for laying someone out. He can talk as long as he wants (some do) but don’t do anything unless you’re really chill with the sparker. It’s his artwork and you smoking it, you have to respect it.
2- Once the blunt is sparked no leavers or new-comers. If broken, it must be agreed upon or will be taken as a sign of rudeness and possibly disrespect.
3- Puff Puff Pass. It’s simple. Be courteous, take two hits. Don’t be selfish. It’s a communal activity. I’m not saying that you can’t smoke – just take big ass hits.
4- Always ash before you give it to another, no matter how much ash is on it. If forgotten, it’s a very asshole-like.
5- Don’t break the rotation. Everything’s going in a circle, don’t mess up the momentum.
6- You can’t be smoking anything else, unless specified by the group. That means no cigarettes until after the blunt is killed. I know you want to look cool because you’re blasted out of your mind, but be patient-finish the piece.
7- Don’t talk or do anything but smoke when you have it between your hands. You’re smoking to get lit. Not to tell stories. Save the fairytales for bedtime.
8- Probably the most important and the most obvious, NO drooling/biting/nigger lipping (not to be offensive, but its just the correct terminology). I can’t stress how much we can’t stand that. It not only reinforces the idea that you are a novice, but that you can’t chill. Please don’t bite down or drool all over the piece. It’s an artwork, a genius. It’s a lifestyle and culture. Its what separates people who think like Obama from people who think like McCain. It differentiates swimmers from people who shatter world records like Michael Phelps (aside from the fact that he has extraordinary talent)
9- Asking before you kill the piece. That’s just common sense.
10- And finally, I know it’s a lot to handle, but just try to relax, man, and just have fun. Tell stories after you pass that piece.

Smoke well. Be kind to your fellow smokers.

Dandb, is currently an undergraduate student who is a heavy believer of the ganja. He believes that current efforts in legalizing the substance has given people like him hope that one day people will see how silly this law issue was. (Remember prohibition efforts)

1 comment:

  1. Very much disagree with #2... if someone is done, let them be done. No one should expect someone to smoke beyond their limits. Besides, why waste it on someone that doesn't want it?

    And #1... if the roller is not the one that provides it, it is common courtesy to first offer it to the provider... although, it is also common courtesy for the provider to decline and the roller to spark it. But the tete-a-tete ritual should still be engaged nonetheless.


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