Thursday, April 23, 2009

Southern Substance...Abuse?

Just Kidding... I'm an angel... :)


I have dabbled however....who hasn't?

College is a wonderful place where you can discover yourself and try new things...such as..... drugs. I guess it's kind of like a rebellion thing; try something you know your parents won't approve of once, get it out of your system, and, hopefully, move on to lead a successful, drug-free life. :). I don't count alcohol in my definition of "drugs" btw...

Weed was always a "low-impact" drug for me. I have known people who have smoked it all of my life and each of them lead relatively normal lives around it. I never developed a fear of it and at times, I caught myself forgetting that it was even a drug. So when the opportunity came for me to try it in Rome during my Study Abroad program...I did so nonchalantly. Now...I've had a puff here or there...but smoking is really not for me...instead...we all decided to bake some hash into brownies and then eat them before going out. Needless to was an interesting night. Mixing massive amounts of alcohol and trying weed for the first time (technically) was probably not a good idea...but the night ended without many problems.

I tried it again my Senior year of college shortly before graduation (big risk since I might have had job interviews...I didn't though...) and again mixed it with large amounts of liquor. This time...adverse reaction. I'm not sure if there was more weed this time or I had drank more liquor or what...but that was the lassssssst time I will do that again lol. I spent the night standing in the middle of a dance floor at some sketchy party unable to move because I thought the world was going to explode if I did. I was panicking because I wanted to sit down but the seats were sooo far away (probably like 10 feet) and I could not reach them. Whenever I took a step forward...I had to gather myself, which took at least what felt like five minutes, and prepare myself for the next one. Now, in all honesty, me reaching the seats probably only took a few seconds, but in my haziness, it felt like an eternity. I then spent the rest of the night laying on some benches trying not to puke my guts out. Not a fun night!

Would I try weed again? Probably. I would have to make some adjustments LIQUOR this time as I apparently can not handle both. Would I branch out and try OTHER drugs? Hell no. Still afraid of needles, still don't want to smoke or snort. That pretty much leaves like shrooms, acid, LSD (is this the same thing as acid??), and X- none of which I want. Don't want to have random trips for the next 10 years- so no acid (or LSD I think). Shrooms just sound gross...moving on. X would be tempting except for the fact that it apparently turns you into a horny animal that will hump anything that has or once had a pulse. Also...not too keen on slathering myself in Vick's vapor rub- not my scent of choice.

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