Monday, March 30, 2009

Corporate America Kills Another

Another casualty. Don't let Corporate America do this to you:

The sad part is, I know a lot of you guys & gals are already where this woman..."was." In fact, much of young corporate America is "living" only a slight variation of this woman's pitiful existence. Did you catch some of the things she said/thought in her familiar drunken stupor? Very entertaining, quite realistic, and somewhat offensive. It makes you wonder how many of your friends are just like her...

So, nothing new is really going on in my life. That's a lie. I've been actively pursuing my music dream, recording songs and writing new material. Actually, starting April 15th I officially begin work on my demo which is very exciting...maybe I'll post a clip or 2 on here so that you guys can have a listen (doubtful). The only difficult part about this romantic dream/life I have is that it's expensive!  I have to spend over $1000 to record my demo music, and need I remind you I'm unemployed?  Recording is an investment to say the least.

The knowledge that I'll be parting with that amount of money shortly has motivated me to seriously consider re-entering hell, "Corporate America."  I even completely updated my profile page this past Friday. Hopefully this week I manage to line up a bunch of interviews and finally reestablish a cash flow for myself. In the end, I guess recording the music demo will mainly have to be an extremely intense weekend venture. I just pray that in getting a new job I don't turn out like the woman in the film, with a lifeless existence so far removed from anything positive or meaningful. Corporations can kill. Meh.

Initially, I was pondering a part-time position, but it's probably wisest to pursue a career and full-time work: Be Practical & Be a Dreamer.

I'm just really hoping and praying for balance in my life - A good fail-safe career, money, and a position that affords me the freedom to record and achieve what I'm destined for. Feels like it's the right time. Wouldn't you agree?  

Now if only I could drop this doubtful and cynical spirit that's been plaguing me...and you.

Be well,


  1. Eh. She was a vapid troll long before she got whatever job she had. I didn't get the feeling that she read Sartre in college then graduated, got a job, and turned into the stereotypical 20 something new yorker.

  2. Okay, maybe she didn't start out as an intellectual juggernaut, but Sartre isn't an airtight defense against "devolution." If anything, Sartre and the great education tacitly reinforce ideas of superiority, importance, and entitlement. I've seen it happen to many of my acquaintances, where the once admirable, altruistic boy/girl becomes the vapid troll in the real dog-eat-dog world.

    I think this happens because the real world doesn't provide the same outlets as school. You have your work, your town, and friends. Sure you can do some good here and there, but ultimately the system is built to make you and your ambitions self-centered. Your priorities get reordered (especially if you work in a competitive, top-tier company) and the energy/zest for life and learning is redirected toward survival and advancement. Like I said, I'm cynical at I apologize. But I think there's some truth to what I'm saying.

    I just hesitate to put my faith in/accept education as the barrier that separates the "vapid stereotypes" from the "virtuous individuals." Because if education is the wall that separates and protects, then I've seen it crumble under social pressure just a little too often.


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