Sunday, March 29, 2009

*Highlights* - Fast and Furious!!!

Gotham Days says:

What IS it about the Fast + Furious franchise that's SO appealing to me?! I mean I don't know cars. Sure, I can ID a bunch of logos but I know nothing about the magical inner workings of vehicles. I'm just proud I figured out how to refill the wiper fluid all by myself.

I guess I'm a sucker for adrenaline movies but still...there is just something else about fast cars and more fast cars that does it for me. A little bit of wanting to drive that incredibly fast and be good at it. Something about being that girl in the garage. Shrug. Just a little fantasy.

I am SUPER excited for Fast and Furious!!! The fourth movie in the line-up. How can you NOT be excited?! Watch first. I'll explain the enthusiasm afterward. Watch:

So WHY am I pushing this movie so hard? Because it has all the elements I enjoyed from the three movies that came before this next one.
1. The cast from the The Fast and The Furious (the first one) is back. I liked certain characters in the second and third movies but I really enjoyed the first cast as a whole.
2. Also, The Fast and the Furious had the insanely cool heist-at-high-speeds tricks that the other two movies lacked. I am definitely looking forward to more of that.
3. The plot for 2Fast 2Furious included a purpose to the debauchery other than "We're criminals. We're adrenaline junkies. It's how we do." The characters had motives and motivation. Desperation, really. But it's a powerful motivator.
4. The director of Tokyo Drift is directing this new one. I have to say, Justin Lin's direction may have been the only saving grace on the payroll for a movie about a boy with a deep deep deep southern drawl living in the middle of Japan.

FAST AND FURIOUS comes out this Friday, April 3rd.

The excitement level for this adrenaline rush:

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