Friday, April 17, 2009

The RUNS in China...It's an Epic Sport

Chinese food doesn't agree with me...and I'm Chinese.

Well...I guess the difference would be my family is from southern China. We eat vegetables and fish. In the north, where I studied for 3 months, I didn't get a lot of vegetables or fish and everything I ate was GREASY.


Ok. My time in China...Priceless. Loved seeing my culture and my people's history!

But BOY did I have the runs for 3 months!!! UGH. And this is on top of food poisoning on a 2 week trip.

One thing I learned, is how to hold all that shit in. LITERALLY. I managed to avoid using the SQUATTERS except when I went up a mountain and had to ditch the group when I felt like I was going through one second, freezing the next. I found the ROW of public squatter restrooms I saw as I headed up the mountain. By the time I got to the restrooms, I felt better so I thought I would just pee. The smell as I stepped into the port-o-potty style holes in the ground was UGH!!! I thought, o well. But the second I closed the door the STENCH enveloped me and triggered stomach spasms. In other words: I hurled BIG time.

I have good aim with my projectile vomit. Everything ended up in the hole and I pressed the button on the side of the port-o-potty that moved the bag down like a diaper genie. Awesome.

Obviously there is more to my stay in China other than ughtastic bowel movement. I'll save the boring stuff for another post.

Let this story STEW for a little bit. YUM

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