Friday, June 5, 2009

Confused and...Aroused?

We are two-faced…

First of all...I'd like to apologize for the lateness of my post. LONG ASS DAY AT WORK!!!!


When it comes to our society and sex…we’re hypocrites…tightasses…whatever you want to call it. We claim to be progressive, forward thinking, ever changing and evolving…but we don’t want any of the ramifications (if that’s what you want to call them) that come along with that. We’re APPALLED that we have such a high rate of teen pregnancy and that STD’s are running rampant…but then you turn on the t.v. and there’s nothing but boobs and innuendo. Even the news…every other story is some sex story- and you get the juicy deets too… they will read excerpts from court documents etc (or you can read them online!). Hell…sexual undertones have been in our cartoons for years (PePe LePew anyone? Damn rapist skunk!). I hear middle school kids telling about how so and so had sex with so and so… MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! We are a very sexual society after all….

On top of being horny bastards…we are also very news-hungry! The media likes to destroy our little perfect white picket fence facades with their daily stories of cheating spouses, rapists and molesters, and deviants. As much as we like our own personal privacy… we are CONSUMED by news of who is sleeping/cheating with who and how kinky our favorite celebrities, politicians, and religious figures are (admit it…you are!). Face it…reading these gossip magazines makes you feel so much better about yourself...LeAnn Rimes is cheating on her husband with a co-worker! Ha! Rich people do it too!
Rhianna is a freak in the bedroom! Woo!!! I feel better about my own kinks!!!

I mean...we eat up nude pics and sex tapes(Lookin’ at you Cassie…[above...]) so much so that they’re not even scandals anymore! Look at poor old Edisen Chen (below...). He took some “scandalous” pics with female celebrities, etc and he’s being banned/forced to quit acting... Um…doesn’t that happen at least once a week here? Nude pics always surface right before a new concert/movie/c.d. and NOTHING happens. Had he been an established actor here in the good ol’ U.S….his stock would go up! He’d get a reality show…and probably a few more movies….

On one hand the media is telling us that being promiscuous is bad (mainly for women…men can dabble here and there- Hi atheletes!) but then they’re like LOOK. SEX SCANDAL OF SO AND SO. And we’re drawn back in… Sitting here trying to define our society’s views on sex… I cant…

1 comment:

  1. edison backed down on his own accord...supposedly (but we all know hong kong media is controlled by the triad)

    and those pics were graphic..."better" than the RihRih and Cassie pics


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