Friday, May 1, 2009

My Courtroom – My Rules:

Plea Bargains are BULLSHIT.

If you knew about a crime or helped commit one, your ass should burn as well. I hate that shit- two people go on a murdering spree or something of that nature, and then one gets offered a lucrative deal; talk and you get five years- just tell us about the crime. Now…I know that cops are often unable to solve a case without the help of an insider, but fuck that. Lie to his ass and then burn him; don’t feel sorry about it either- they didn’t feel sorry for their victim…so why should we care!

I know…that’s not realistic…if we treated people like that, then no one would trust the hard working men and women that make up our justice system but I’ll be damned if some murderer gets a few years for spilling the beans or for good behavior. There are murderers, rapists, and child molesters that lurk among us, free from jail for “Good Behavior” or some Plea Bargain, or worse, because some jail house therapist deemed them no longer a threat to society….


If I ran the justice system…yea…lets just sit and brainstorm for a minute. How would I punish for some of these crimes that are being committed…? And yea…I know juries decide etc…but if the criminal was just in front of me and I got to make the executive decision…hmm.

-Notes- We’re going to assume that all of these are proven and/or that the criminal has confessed.

Death Penalty- To me, this doesn’t mean sit and rot in a cell for 30 years (Hi Charles Manson)- this means you die. You have 1 year to appeal in which time your case will be fully reviewed. If you are deemed guilty again…you will die as soon as a spot is available. No need for a second appeal- no third time’s a charm! Crimes include but are not limited to: Child rape/molestation, Murder (except for self-defense), rape…

Life in Prison- Means…LIFE IN PRISON. There’s no I found Jesus, let me out. Nope…you could have found Him outside of prison while you were planning/committing those crimes. Better make friends and play nice because you will remain here until the day you die. Try to escape= death. Kill/Harm/Rape another prisoner or a guard=death. Crimes include- Bestiality, Torture (of prisoners/people, animals), Attempted murder…

20 years- You haven’t killed anyone but your actions have almost done so. For example – driving under the influence and crashed into someone and now they are paralyzed. Shot someone to escape while committing robbery. You should know better and therefore you shall suffer. Crimes include: drug dealing/trafficking (non-Americans deported and banned for life), spousal/child abuse (not sexual in nature).
Repeat offenders get LIFE.

10 years- “Lesser Crimes”- 10 years is a good amount of time to think about what you have done. It’s long enough that you suffer but short enough that when you leave…you still have a chance to prove your worth. Crimes include- robbery, drunk driving (no one harmed), prostitution/soliciting a prostitute, possession of drugs with intent to use (yes my little
Weed Thing would have gotten me 10 years), shoplifting, breaking and entering. Repeat offenders get 20 years.

Things like –loitering, public intoxication (not driving though) and things like this would net you 2 years house arrest. A second conviction would lead to 10 years though in prison though.


Now…my jails aren’t much fun either… no luxuries such as McDonald’s, no tv’s with cable – you are not on vacation. You will work in some way to earn your spot back in society (even if I gave you life lol)- whether it be clearing trash off of the highways, or making license plates. I will allow you to make a little bit of money for which you can buy practical stuff: soap, shampoo, underwear. No cigarettes because people will sell them, no candy or Little Debbie cakes. You could have had all you wanted outside of Jail…you decided you didn’t want them so you don’t get them. No CONJUGAL VISITS (remember that raping someone in jail will get you killed with the swiftness my dear- consider whether or not you can handle many sexless years before committing a crime!)

Criminals are also becoming younger and younger so I have to consider this when making my list. I have to think about how my mind was at these ages, which sucks for them because I had a great grasp on the world very early. I knew about rape/torture and murder when I was 10 years old so um…to be nice… anyone under 14 will have slightly different standards (yes…14 is what we consider young…but think about the crimes that these kids are now commiting- rapes, murders, and they KNOW that they wont get any time past their 18th birthdays). Anyone 13 or younger will remain in juvenile incarceration (similar to regular prison except no one is over 21) until their 21st birthday for murder, rape, torture, animal abuse, robbery, assault etc. Upon turning 21 they will be released at which point if they reoffend they get whatever punishment is listed above. “Lesser” crimes will see them in prison until their 18th and another offense will result in the above punishments! 14 and above = treated as an adult.

Basically don’t fuck up and let me prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. <3. You don't like it?...I hear Canada is lenient lmao.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Death Penalty - So we can make a nice neat list of all of the innocent people who had their convictions overturned years down the line that would have been executed under your system.

    Life without the possibility of parole - By its very nature is a failure. Our penal system is rehabilitative not punitive. The purpose of it is to transform felons into functional members of society who can contribute to the greater good.

    20 years for spousal abuse. 10 years for robbery, drunk driving (no one harmed), prostitution/soliciting a prostitute, possession of drugs with intent to use (yes my little Weed Thing would have gotten me 10 years), shoplifting, breaking and entering.

    Absolutely. draconian. 10 years is not a short amount of time any way you look at it, and some of these crimes are simply a joke. In 20 years, marijuana may be completely decriminalized, but you feel that 10 years for possession is merited in the interim? The same sentence for prostitution and breaking and entering? One is a woman using her own body to generate capital. The other is the use of criminal force to divest another of his property. I don't see it. Re bestiality, 10 years for what amounts to an antiquated societal judgment about what is sexually appropriate is a bit skeevy.

    In response to your comment that prison rape gets you killed, if only. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

  3. One- I said if proven beyond a doubt or a confession is given. If there's even a tiny bit of doubt - I'm not considering it in this post. Read the post please.

    Two- These are the orders in which I deem crimes punishable. I would love to read your ideas but, as you have failed to post as of yet, I'm unable to get a peek into your, what I can only assume will be perfectly fair on all counts, system. While you feel our system is supposedly rehabilitative, often I fail to see how it is so. Our system must be perfect in your eyes- plea bargains and alleviated sentences included. If you have committed such a vile crime as murder...there is no need for you to be released in five years for good behavior in my opinion. I like to peruse and read about murderers/rapists who have been released only to repeat shortly thereafter, you should check it out and see how you feel after reading some of that stuff.

    For other crimes, I have stated that you will be given a chance and that, if you repeat, that chance will be taken away. Barring you don't deny someone else a chance at life or violently harm someone, I'm all for giving a second chance. You will, however, serve your time to the fullest initially.

    Fine - you think 10 years is a little long for some of these crimes? That's great-that's the point of these posts. Let us see what YOUR system would look like. I mean, for me, it's simple...don't do these crimes. They're all avoidable things- no one is forcing crack down your throat, or forcing you to drive after hitting the bars. Maybe the prostitution is a bit harsh but...I'm sorry. For me, that's not a viable option and so I cannot agree with it on any terms but I would maybe be willing to think of something else (doubt it). If, in 20 years as you state, marijuana is legalized, I would have no problem removing it, however, people have been lobbying for this for many MANY years and it has yet to have happened so we'll see. And yes, I think bestiality is gross-and that's my personal judgment. You know, people use the same arguments to advocate sex between a "consenting" child and an adult (check out NAMBLA).

  4. Also, there are many countries who take a lot harsher standpoints (i.e. life in jail for selling drugs, death for stealing). While these harsh sentences have not totally alleviated crime in these areas, I can guarantee you that there are a lot fewer free murderers and rapists just strolling around with no cares in the world than here which is my goal :).

  5. The people wrongly given the death penalty were tried by a jury and found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. We very rarely know for a fact that someone is guilty. Even a confession proves nothing.

  6. Thinking that a sexual preference is gross is not grounds for criminalizing it. See: sodomy. If there is no detrimental societal impact, legalize and regulate it.

  7. Still waiting on your post- its very easy to sit back and pull apart someone's ideas without thinking of our own first.

    And this is very hypothetical on many levels. We are assuming the following:
    1) One person (you) gets to decide the fate and guilt level of the person. You are the sole decider. That would never happen.
    2) Things are proven beyond a doubt - I don't know...maybe you're God and you saw him do it.

    Again...this is all hypothetical. The point of this post isn't to prove how he/she was wrong or right, but to show how I would punish for these crimes. I KNOW they did them (I saw them do it- I was there)...this is how I'm deciding.

  8. If someone wants anal's all well and good- as long as they are a consenting adult able to make that decision. In the case of animals...I have never heard an animal consent/or agree to having sex with a human being(I'm guessing you're going to bring up Mr. Hands which will cause me to laugh at you). Show me that the animal did consent in some way and fine, while I will silently judge you, you and your horse boyfriend can run free. Though I don't want to see any videos to be honest...

  9. I have never heard an animal consent/or agree to having sex with a human being

    The things that people and dolphins do my dear...


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