Sunday, April 26, 2009

*Highlights* - The Other Side of Evil


So I was bored on Friday while waiting to go out with friends and decided to watch a movie that I had been hearing about for some time. The movie is called "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and it was a very surprisingly good movie. Its based on a book by John Boyne and is about this young boy named Bruno whose father is a high-ranking Nazi officer who is stationed to live in front of Auschwitz. Bruno goes exploring, to his mothers' horror, and discovers a "farm" far behind his house where people work. Its a classic tale of childhood innocence/misunderstanding as Bruno can't fathom what the "farmers" are doing behind his house, why his parents are acting so strangely or what the horrible smells coming from the chimneys on the farm are.

The ending was a great surprise as well...I recommend watching this (or reading this) to anyone as I feel history is very important for a better understanding of the world. This is also an interesting point of view as you get to view a Nazi family in this period - which is a seemingly unique spin. Again...ending is a huge shocker...

5/5 for surprise endings!


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