Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Staying Fresh: Part Deux

I'm not talking about staying mentally fresh. I mean don't get me wrong. Staying mentally fresh is great! We need to be proactive about staying social and avoiding Alzheimer's before it's too late. But, summer is approaching. FAST. Staying fresh on the outside is important, too. VERY important.

A few things:
Do what works for you and your B.O. If you like the gel sports ones, go for it. They usually smell good. Fresh scent. Old Spice has some nice minty ones. It's not for everyone though because it's still Old Spice. If you like the powdery kind, go for that too. It's got a lighter scent (and variety of light scents now, too!). It's not sticky to put on. Secret is great for that. Don't get locked into the gender thing with deodorant. Women can use Old Spice and men can use Secret. You smell good, you smell good. I haven't tried the designer deodorants so I'm not sure how they hold up in the prescription strength summer heat. Let me know if you know.

2. While we're on the subject of your pits, SHAVE.

Boys and girls alike. SHAVE. All that sweat and mashing of sweat is NOT a good look or smell. Men shaving their pits is a sexy thing. Trust me. It is not emasculating. If your pit hair is what makes you a man, you're not much of a man to begin with. But if you won't shave it off, at least trim that ish DOWN. No one needs sweat and bacteria festering in there. And UGH @ little white deodorant balls stuck in pit hairs. UGH.

I mean clean nails are always a must. I get super annoyed at work because we only use dry erase markers and that stuff get in the nails so easily. (If someone knows how to get rid of that stuff fast, holla atcha girl.) But I'm talking about TOENAILS. Sandals and flippy floppiess are coming out of the closet. PLEASE get those toenails trimmed and CLEAN. UGH. SO DISGUSTO when I see folks with some crust and grit all UP in those joints looking like they just got back from digging for truffles with their feet in the deep woods. If you're letting those piggies out, please be presentable when you are presenting them.


If you like that white tee in the summer look because you look so fresh to def when you do it, then wear a WHITE tee. Not some yellow at the collar and PITS (again) white tee. If you're gonna be fresh, then BE FRESH. Otherwise, invest in some other summer colors. And do the laundry, people. Clothes, especially SOCKS, don't stay very detergent smelling for long when the sun is blazin' on you.

General upkeep of your hygiene is always important. It's just of UTMOST importance in the summer.

Take care of yourself and don't offend.

Keep it real. Keep it fresh.

Especially if you're riding the subway with me.

You stank? You'll get the illest stank look from me. Avoid that.


  1. This post made me begin discussing "taco meat" armpit and chest hair (hello men of color) which made my co-worker gag. We agree that, at the very least, a trimming is in order. They want their woman freshly waxed and/or shaven...same should be with them... lest I begin sporting a pair of rather unfortunate looking leggings lmao.

  2. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL OH MY GOD @ "taco meat" and "unfortunate looking leggings"

  3. well alot of people on the A train mite want to read this.

  4. that is MOST unfortunate...the A train is the longest line in NYC spanning, what...3 boroughs? TERRIBLE

  5. This post should be forwarded to people in the sunshine state ....I've had some bad run-ins and its not even summer full force yet lol


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