Friday, March 27, 2009

Things Not to Say

This one’s going to be relatively short and to the point because for some reason I’m just not ready to tackle this particular subject. The topic of racism was proposed for this week.

Also, I don’t think “less than 600 words” is enough room to cover this…not even 12,000 could…[we were told to keep our posts between 400-600 words because apparently you guys wouldn't read more than that....obviously I break that every week...] .

Instead of ranting in paragraph form...I decided to summarize my thoughts into a list: Racist things you may say without thinking they’re racist (and yes, these have been said to or around me). You may think these are compliments…and some black people may take them as such…but they really aren’t. You’re generalizing a whole group of people based on your (or a friend or a friend of a friend’s) experiences with a few. That’s not a good thing…

1) Can I touch your hair?
2) I tan so my skin can look like yours…/Black people can't tan or sunburn!-
3) Black guys have the biggest d*cks. You must be able to take like 14 inches…
4) Can I say ‘Nigga’ to you? Not with an ER!!! An A! My best friend who was black let me.

5) Black people are the best dancers.
6) Black people are the best at [random sport name].
7) I hear black women are good in bed.
8) You don’t talk/act/look black.
9) Did you vote for Obama…?

I’m not perfect...I have been guilty of generalizing people too. I have tried to make a change though…I don’t bring up race/religion/socioeconomic status/etc. until I know the person well enough to ask these questions or until they ask me one (then they’re fair game!).

There are obviously many more to this but its 9:30a.m. and I have a lot to do today. These are some of my biggest ones though…Make your own list if you feel- I’d like to know yours!

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