Sunday, March 22, 2009

*Highlights* - OWNED!


I love John Stewart. He is hilarious and loves to mess with people's heads. Granted... I agree with him in this video. One- I hate Bill O'Reilly. As much as he talks about people...his own life is full of scandal and mishaps. Ironic, I'd say.

This video proves his dualism while still being very entertaining. While I agree with his idea of celebrities needing privacy (I hate how the paparazzi follow celebrities)... I don't feel too bad for the celebrities either. You want privacy...turn in all your profits you made from being famous and go back to a "normal" life like us. I'd gladly trade shoes with one of you. Sure...I couldn't go out in public without being mobbed...but... I'm rich! I can just have a pimped out house so that I never have to leave. Personal shoppers...parties in the crib...chef... No reason to leave! No sympathy from me.

For hilarity:

1 comment:

  1. I've completely given up on the O'Reilly Factor and anyone who thinks the show is good...he's just too much of what's wrong with the world (especially the educated elite)


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