Friday, February 27, 2009

Rent for this Month: 97.2% of MY FREEDOM

Living at home sucks.

Sure, it's great that someone does my laundry and makes me breakfast and peels me an orange or two after dinner...And it's heartwarming to know that someone cares enough to worry about me when I stay out past...9:30.

But the price for all that is rather hefty...Do you see the title of this post

I pay most of the bills in the house now in exchange for my college loans getting paid before interest accrues up my ass. Well that's a lie. That was never the agreement. My mom has always made it clear that my college education was something she would worry about as long as I got my FinAid in order. I did my part when I could but I really am very lucky. I just feel it's now my obligation (not really the right word but it'll do) to help out around the house. Financially anyway. I really should vacuum and do some housekeeping...but I digress.

Laundry. She does it for me. I didn't ask her to and I really don't want her to. But I appreciate it, no doubt. Then she gets on me for not doing the laundry. Well, IT'S NEVER A FULL LOAD FOR ME TO DO!!!

Food. I can make my own concoction of cereal and milk. If I would pay more attention in the kitchen I can probably make a decent meal for myself (other than fried rice or eggs or vegetables or random pan fried meats). But I get shit for having a job that starts late and ends not really that late at all (6:45? Late? No.) because apparently the whole world is waiting at home to start dinner. You know, I never asked for that. It's okay if that luxury is taken away from me. I'll get my weight under control, too, once I get my food intake under my OWN control.

Work. I would love to go back to school. And that would be a reality if I was at all proactive in making that thought a reality. Damnit! I WILL make it a reality. I work at a small operation teaching/tutoring. My hours are heavenly to anyone doing the 9 to 5. (Maybe Momz doesn't get it because she's on that 8-4.) But it's not getting me anywhere close to the highly coveted Ballin' status. So of course I get an earful about that, too.

My Freedom. I can't sleep late. I can't get up late. I can't stay online or watch tv into my precious wee hours. I can stay out late...kinda...but how relaxing can a night out be if my phone goes off every once in awhile when dinner with friends has barely started? And forget bringing friends over. I only let my closest friends up because I know my mom approves of them. I don't know if she'll not approve of other ones but I don't want to chance some of them and I'm not friends enough with others to bring them home to "meet the parents."

I love my momma. But I gotta have my own space. You feel me on that? O, I'm sure you do.

Currently looking at Enigma's place in Brooklyn. :::giddy::: Now, how do I break this news to my mom without breaking her heart?

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