Thursday, February 5, 2009

Destiny isn't a Choice

I'm trying to get a good job. That's all.

I've been interviewing, making excellent impressions, following up, and yet all the great people I encounter are denying me in a sense. Instead of offering me the job experience I desire, they tell me time and time again that I'm great and should chart my own course to success - not to confine myself to a box or settle for the positions I've been applying for.

My Question:
How can I settle when my interviewers won't even give me the job offer? No, they seemingly go on a spontaneous trip of honesty and advice, telling me I'm "too good for the job" or "overqualified." They outright tell me I’m meant for something more.

I’m beyond finding this flattering. Simply put, I feel stuck.

As wonderful as it may be to “chart one’s own course,” that takes time. Bills and responsibilities are immediate. Furthermore, while many will encourage you to go out alone and pursue greatness, there are far less people willing to walk with you or support you along the lonely path to success they so readily prescribe.

Unfortunately for me, and probably a lot of people in my boat, it seems that no matter how hard we fight, life’s current keeps pushing us to go at it alone – walk the path less traveled. Despite our plans, misfortune, destiny? fate? God? just won’t allow us to move forward.
Now, most people believe the age frame 17-26 to be a major transitional period in life. I agree, but entertain my imagination for a second and just visualize…

Think of Destiny as a bubble with a single hole in it. For our entire lives, that bubble has floated beside us with the hole facing us, always hoping we’d turn in. Naturally curious, during our early years we travel and turn in every direction except towards the bubble’s entrance. Then finally, around the age of 18, something happens (an experience, a book, a person) and unknowingly we turn in a direction never before seen - toward the bubble.

Well that bubble, our Destiny, isn’t anything if not determined and resolute. When it gets a hold of us, it shakes us, jolts us, even hurts us as it steadfastly floats back toward the path meant for us all along.

While trapped inside this bubble, we’ll see countless opportunities pass us by, the things we wanted - attractive jobs, people, places…happiness. We’ll wave, holler, and scream but destiny just keeps on dragging us, floating along.

Then one day, when we feel hopeless and have given up resisting, Destiny will stop and we’ll finally see the door in the bubble that trapped us. That door is now our escape. Having grown complacent and weary, some of us will choose to just remain within, too afraid to venture out. Others will get the courage and faith to stand up and walk out. They will be the fortunate ones who discover destiny’s path...

Presently, I feel my bubble slowing down. I’m patiently looking in every direction for the door.

Seek and ye shall find.


  1. What if you just pop the bubble?

  2. Hi, Camilla,

    I don't think the bubble can pop. It's with us from birth to death. We just have the choice of whether or not to stay on the path it takes us to. If we keep inadvertently running away from it, when the bubble does catch us the it may be too late. The journey back to the destined path will be too long. But life is always about enjoying that journey, so it's NEVER in vain.

  3. Very insightful. I had a great interview and was sure I would get a call. I have not even been rejected except for the lack of any response after two phone interviews and one face-to-face. I am not overqualified for this position. It is perfect. But I maintain that even in its seemingly perfectness (is that a word?) my destiny may be pulling me in a more opportune direction. Either that or they are really slow in making a decision.

    As for your constant rejection, try to downplay your qualifications for those lower level positions and a door just might open. Good luck!

  4. maybe you should take a chance and go outside your comfort zone. dont underestimate yourself (:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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