Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Graduate Depression...It's the New Black

Prozac Prescription Instructions:  Take Prozac only after receiving your BA from an accredited university.   If enrolled in Masters or PhD courses, please consult your physician prior to use, as additional credits and loans may increase likelihood of drug ineffectiveness and intensify self-loathing upon graduation/introduction into the "real world."

Nimen Hao (Hello All - In Chinese),

Musecatto here...whether that be fortunately or unfortunately.  

2 months ago, I couldn't have even dreamed of being home at this foolishly early hour of night.   Indeed, when I had a job, this might as well have been my lunchtime.  Thank goodness for unemployment, right? Well...

You see, I quit my job at the very end of November, toting my pride, skills, dignity, and fueled by my relentless optimism that everything would always work out for me.  Trust me, I'm not saying I'm a privileged person, but let's just say I've always had access to a great educacion (Español, see!) and an immensely supportive network of friends and family to assist me in life.  Consequently, I could have cared less about this "recession" and the "massive layoffs."  All I knew was that after over a year at the company, I was still extremely unhappy, unfulfilled, and frustrated in my old job (my first job out of college); I had to leave and move on to the BIGGER and BETTER that would surely come knocking at my door and offer me the opportunity of the lifetime.  So I left...

Week 1 passes - My "recovery week," as I coined it.  Detox from the insanity of Job #1.

Week 2 passes - Submit 2 Job Applications (lazy, I know, but I'm still "recovering")

Week 3 passes - Seized by a slight fit of panic, I submit about 15 Applications and register for 4 different job posting sites.  My enduring spirit of hope is revived.  Certainly someone will get back to me!! My Bigger an Better..

Week 4 passes - ONSET OF DEPRESSION, Doubt.  "Hmm, what's on MTV?  Better yet, VH1! Why???"

Week 5 passes - Meet up with fellow Ex-Coworkers (We'd all quit the same company at some point.  I was the last).   All of the said "Ex-Coworkers" were great at the job and fortunately we managed to take away a solid group of friends.  At the monthly dinner/reunion with the Ex-Coworkers, I discover that they ALL have found new jobs...I mean ALL OF THEM.  Sure, they'd quit before me but still.

Week 6...WHY - The Musecatto eduring spirit of hope is broken.  The only companies getting back to me were those pestering marketing/PR/sales/exploit the young & restless recent college grad firms.  You know the ones I'm talking about...

Just when I thought all hope was lost, my bright silver lining appeared! ("Musecatto, that lining looks dusty grey to me," says my friend, Hindsight..."Quiet," I reply).  Today would be the day it all changed for this college graduate...

And so I got up, showered, put on my suit, and off I went...

To where? For what? Seek and ye shall find

1 comment:

  1. BRILLIANT! you should be blogging for http://www.iget2work.com
    e me if you're interested in chronicling your story!
    sue@iget2work.com thanks!


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