Sunday, July 12, 2009

Unemployment Advice from the Unemployed

Unemployment is BAD @ NOW! Period. 

My situation is my situation, and I'll deal with that on Mondays, but for every other young college graduate struggling to find a job, just know you are by no means alone.

So how do we cope in these economic times?  Employers are only hiring the most experienced & specialized or the applicants with the lowest wage expectations and greatest likelihood of staying in the position long term.   Does this mean the average college graduate with a B.A. is screwed?

Well let's see - You could take the dreamer route and use this "down time" as your chance to explore your interests and possible entrepreneurial exploits.  You could also choose to get involved with a non-profit or service organization and do good for the community... OH WAIT!
- You have college loans!  Maybe grad school loans!
- You pay your cell phone bill every month!
- You are paying for health insurance each month in case the thin veil of protection that is "youth" tears!
- You want to enjoy 20s (i.e. have a social life)!

OH and the "public good" organizations that you can "fall back on and work for"...yeah, they're application processes is just as demanding and fruitless as those for private sector positions.  Not to mention the thousands of peers all vying for the same low-paying, soul-fulfilling, wallet quenching job.

Hmmph.  I hate to sound pessimistic, so take my word for it - I'm not.  I'm just being a realist and presenting the Real World that we are all presently confronting... together.  These times are calling on ALL of us, even the ones who feel they've earned and deserve top-notch employment, to "man up" and be that persistent pest that you've always despised. You've got to hunt down that measly job like you're a rabid bear that just woke up from 3 months of hibernation (possibly a year in some of your cases), and ferociously hunt down that prey.  Even if you end up with just a few wild berries, food is food. A job is a job.  Experience is experience.

You don't want a gaping HOLE in your resume so occupy your time in some meaningful way.  Start your own business with friends, be PRO-ACTIVE with your goals, and put it ALL on the resume.

Lastly, we're all going to have to drop our pride and accept the fact that in this climate, it's about WHO YOU KNOW.  Yes, you've heard it a dozen times, so how about you wisen up, accept it as truth, and act on it.  Call those contacts that you barely know. Send them emails every other day.  USE those acquaintances that you actually can't stand.  After all, if they were in your shoes, they'd probably use you in a heartbeat to get some career advancement.

Should you go back to school?  Sure, if you actually WANT to!  Don't be a fool though.  Don't think that deferring reality with more education will make your life any better in the future, because YOUR TRUTH will reveal itself in the end.  You'll either have the additional degree, a good position, and a happy life, or still more debt, and THE SAME AMOUNT OF ANXIETY AND CONFUSION YOU HAVE NOW.

GET UP and DO SOMETHING. Clocks don't stop and time won't wait.

Be well,

p.s. I wrote this post for you but mostly so that I can read the wisdom I have internally and finally act on it outwardly.  Hopefully you will do the same.

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