Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I've. got. a. JERB

Assuming I pass this background check, I will regale you with tales of debauchery and boredom next summer.

The law school hiring process is called OCI. Hundreds of employers come to campus and pretend to value diversity and a work/life balance, and you pretend to not know that they have 1 black lawyer and require 70 hours a week of billable time. During this entire cycle, you should be steadfastly certain that you're not getting a job and so, if you're anything like me, your main goal should be to abscond with as much free schwag as possible. I have enough pens now that I will be able to leave some to my grandchildren.

I say you should assume that you're not getting a job because you're probably not. Statistically, the odds are just against you in a huge way. I went on literally dozens of interviews before finding my job, and was successful only because of personal connections that preexisted law school and a connection to my alma mater. Of course, if you have great law school grades and a perky personality, there is no such thing as a bad economy.

1L year was time consuming and stressful because I didn't know what I was doing and everything rests on those first-year grades. 2L year is time consuming and stressful right up until you find a job or don't. Once your employment status is resolved either way, you go from reading treatises in airport lobbies to sitting in your apartment drinking at 11 a.m because class is boring and you can't bring yourself to care.


  1. and since connections are clearly the only way in...you know who to call if you need an office betch...


    so...yea, man

  2. I'm reluctant to call it a JORB. Right now it is a mere JERB. A test run for the summer to see if they like me.

  3. ah well...as long as you don't start vidgaming at work, i'm sure they'll love you


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