Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Short and sweet...

I apologize for the lack of a post last week and the shortened post for today- I have been, as all of our bloggers are currently, stacking my chips and working on getting some other opportunities together. Been working my ass off at work and trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do for the next few months.

Work has been so crazy lately- when it pours! New policies have been enacted which has shifted more burden on the people in my position. While that's going on...a Partner, whom I enjoy working under and am learning a lot from, has decided to give me more responsibilities...something I can't and don't want to say no to... Remember...this is all going to look great on my resume. What this means is...more work, more hours, and less 'surfing the net time'.

I'm also getting together my own law school apps so that I can be just like our buddy Guy- overwhelmed and working toward the future. Hopefully I can get off my ass and get these apps in Early Decision so I'll know soon where I'm going to end up IF I manage to get in anywhere. I've been speaking to a ton of people, normal people like me...not ones like Guy who practically aced the LSAT (hate you) who say that they didn't get in on their first set of apps and had to wait a year. Oh God....that CANNOT happen. Nervewrecking....

This realization that I might not get in to the places I want to go (and the realization that some schools cost like $70,000 a year...) has made me start looking less at the Ivies and more at state and other schools. I've been taking more factors into consideration- what schools are best based on what I want to study? What interesting other courses are offered (Should have looked at that for undergrad...)? Where would I want to live/intern/practice law? Where would be CHEAP but still give a great education? I will most likely end up in a Georgia or NC school due to the fact that I'd get In-State Tuition because I have lived/currently live in those places. We'll see. Shifting away from that name thing and more towards practicality....

Anyway- just wanted to touch base! Got a lot to do!


  1. new workload...apps...good luck on everything!

  2. Ah, the practicality shift - makes you wonder about past decisions.

  3. I'm kinda in the same boat. I want to go for my MBA, but with the talent pool so deep (deeper than usual) and my lack of "significant" experience, not to mention my lackluster undergrad performance (hurts to admit that), I should make the practicality switch if I want to go now. How do you let go of the names? I've always wanted to go to Harvard. I'm considering getting an MS (where I'd strengthen my academic record and enable myself to get a job), then get the experience I need, then apply to the top MBA programs. I'd be doing all this just for the name and everything that goes along with it: higher salary, prestige, the smile on my face, and the ease of getting whatever job I want when I leave. How does one let go of that?


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