Wednesday, September 23, 2009



On Monday when I left my door to head to work, I had no idea it had even been raining, let alone flooding. It wasn't until I heard the radio that I realized what was going on. My area was totally and completely (Thank the Lord) unaffected. My commute had no rain or flood waters or anything. When I arrived at work...I found out how badly this rain had affected many. Douglas and Cobb counties (the more expensive areas - well they have some big houses there!) are basically shut down. There's really no way in or out of those and houses and schools are flooded.

HERE is a slideshow featuring much of the damage. Really puts things into perspective....

I am saddened because there have been around 10 deaths- many of which were caused by people trying to return home from work and either not realizing that the roads were flooded and drowning or trying to drive through and drowning. Work is NEVER that important people- the Govenor has declared a State-of-Emergency and has urged people from the worst-hit areas to stay home. Take a few days off- your bosses cannot fire you and if they do a suit is in order ...

The first video is a compilation of news reports on the flooding....

The next video is of Six Flags over Georgia where I was planning to go Sunday.

Check out that slide show linked above to get a feel of what is really going on... I did not realize how bad the situation was until I looked at it....

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