Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This is our youth...our future...being corrupted and over-sexualized. I was listening to a local radio station (Q100 Atlanta) which plays a nice mix of top 40 music but has a great morning show where the crew tackles hot-button topics and issues every morning. This morning...they featured a video... it is below....

Fair warning- the video is LOUD and starts immediately upon opening the page (the "Read More" tab) so...turn your sound down!!!!

Is anyone else disturbed?

Surprisingly enough... while I was disturbed by the video itself and the consequences of such actions... I was also concerned (not surprised of course) about the calls that came in concerning it. "In places like Jamaica and Africa...this is common" was a comment from a listener. This video is clearly taken in a Spanish Speaking country (you could even hear that over the radio as they played it...) but, of course, it goes back to hypersexual black people...

Its not about RACE people - its about KIDS being sexualized at such young ages... get your minds right...


  1. why are the adults not stopping this?

    it happens because the children are ENCOURAGED to do all that

    this is so sad

  2. I think it's extremely hilarious that you guys are talking about which country this is in. Have you gone to our elementary schools lately? First graders are being more graphic than this. I think it's high time we stop worrying about what people think and start raising our children to act like human beings.

  3. That's exactly my point- instead of being concerned about a bunch of 6 year olds being coached to grind on eachother - people are worrying about where they're from. The focus is definitely lost and, on some levels, that is almost more disturbing than the video itself. I know our schools are just as bad - I personally know of people who lost their virginity before entering middle school. It is SICK.

    What's sad is...you cant even protect your own children. My co-worker had to have the sex talk with her 10 year old son when he was 7 because of the kids at school doing things and passing the information along. By the time I have kids, that talk will need to be had prior to them entering school... Think back to when you had the talk- how old were you? I was 12. You can raise your children how you want but the moment they interact with other children - you are out of control of what they know and find out and that is disturbing.

  4. "You can raise your children how you want but the moment they interact with other children - you are out of control of what they know and find out and that is disturbing."

    adults and children need to vaccinated with some sound advice and proper education as much as they all need to be vaccinated for measles, chicken pox, etc. just b/c you don't want to vaccinate your child, don't bring ur diseases to other children tryna live


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