Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Job and Me... REALLY? A JOB?!

Take my absence and recent silence on this blog as a good thing; it only means I'm preoccupied by things I clearly value.

On Monday of this past week I began working as an intern for a Music licensing and branding firm in NY. This firm has the HOOK UP, and has placed and licensed music for some of the biggest commercials and TV spots out there. Obviously, me being a music lover, I'm more that ecstatic to have such a role, and the fact that it will likely evolve into a full-time position makes it even better.

My duties include maintaining the music library, reaching out to and scouting new talent to bring on board, and conversing with major advertisers and managers about partnerships - Could this be more ideal for me!? Well, yes, it could be. It'd be awesome to receive a full salary and benefits, BUT I can't and won't complain. I'm getting my lunches paid for, all my travel is covered by the company, I get a weekly monetary stipend, and I get free entry to a lot of the exclusive music events in and around the city.

There are definitely issues with the company, and it is not as perfect as it sounds; however, I have faith that this is happening for a reason, and I am going to fulfill my duties with 200% of my ability. I'm already the CEO's "go-to" person, and he's entrusted me with a TON of secrets concerning his personal and business drama. I don't care. I'm taking this experience and running with it. At the very least, my foot is in the door at a very reputable music institution, and my boss will likely write me an amazing recommendation.

In addition to this good news, I've also been doing LOTS of public showcases and shoving my fears to the side. I've sung at open mics 3 times in the past two weeks, and just yesterday I opened up for a 3-act comedy set in NJ. The audience loved me, and I was extremely pleased with my sound and comfort on stage. I'll be singing again publicly either Sunday or Monday, so I'll continue giving you all updates.

All I can do is thank God for patience and trust that he is guiding me even when I feel like I'm lost in the dark.

Be well, and keep dreaming

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