Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More to Love? (Or Hate)

This show was an experiment on many levels. The premise: an overweight bachelor and 20 or so overweight bachelorettes attempt to find love in the typical alcohol-filled elimination-game setting. Is society ready to see several overweight people fall in love? This show will apparently answer that question.

I watched the first episode on Hulu this morning- meaning that I didn’t have all the first night hype that many of these shows that people regularly follow have. I also skipped commercials which meant that I didn’t have as much anticipation. Now…my reaction is as follows:

Decent show but I have a lot of issues with some of the way the women were portrayed and how they portrayed themselves.


-Where did they find these women? Cry babies anonymous? When you watch shows such as the Bachelor (what this show is essentially modeled after) the women are confident and know they are worthy of this man. This show--- not so much. So much crying and whining about how they never felt loved and never had a date or been kissed and all of it was due to their weight. I personally didn’t notice one woman who was happy with her body and happy with the way her life was going… Not to be racist or feed into stereotypes…but they should have had some of my fellow sistas on there! I personally hate my size and want to lose weight but some of the women I see down here LOVE their bodies and are HAPPY. They dress well and carry their weight well…they are not sloppy. Which brings me to my next point.

- What the hell are these chicks wearing? I saw so many bras and bra straps. There is a certain way to dress for your body and these women do not know it. No one can wear EVERYTHING. You’ve got no boobs? Cant wear a halter top! My problem, at my skinniest, was that my hip and rib bones protruded- even as a skinny girl I had to worry about what I wore!!… Some of these girls… come on! Some dresses were like two sizes too small and made some of the girls have like 14 different muffin tops peeking out. You should essentially be able to wear whatever you want…but if you do…make sure that your its and bits aren't showing (underwear, areas of skin that aren't meant to be shown with that outfit, privates...) These were BEAUTIFUL girls packing themselves into ill-fitting dresses. Come on now...

- Some of the first things out of the girls’ mouths while meeting this man are “What do you like to eat?!” …There’s nothing totally wrong with this…I just thought it was interesting. Not…do you speak any languages? Where do you work? Do you like puppies?

- The show, similar to the other ones, places the girls name and their occupation under them. In addition this show thought it important to put the girls’ heights and weights on as well. Now…I don’t know what’s up with their scales…but…uh…. Well you watch the clip and you decide..

- One other thing…a lot of them women were crying and going on about how people judge them immediately based on their size and don’t give them a chance or try to get to know them. Then a couple of seconds later… "they’d rather have the skinny bitches”. So, let me get this straight, you want someone to treat you with respect regardless of your size but you can so quickly dismiss someone else and judge them because they are a different size? Please…


Uh..there’s not much. They did find some interesting women but most are unhappy with their weights. I think it is good for society to get more used to seeing normal sized and larger people on t.v. instead of brainwashing us into thinking that everyone should be a size 0. Is it good for us to get TOO comfortable with obesity? Who knows… It’s definitely not good for us to see anorexic and sickly people all the time...


I wonder why they did a large man searching for love with large women. If I was a t.v. exec- I would have made bank on this! This would have been my set up. In the hills of Hollywood there are two adjacent houses. In one house, Jason, a gorgeous and very muscular architect is searching for a beautiful woman to spend his life with. In the next, Vanessa, a beautiful and athletic exec also begins her own quest for love. The catch? Both of them prefer the love of a curvier significant other. That would be interesting! Two shows for the price of one!

Gonna do my best to keep up with this show and see how it goes. I'm all of the rest...whatever marriage happens at the end will fall through quickly after but its always interesting to watch the train wreck as it goes.

To the women... GROW SOME BALLS! Stop crying!

1 comment:

  1. But the REAL catch would be when the muscular architect and the athletic executive ditch all of the hopeful fatties for each other and live Skinnily-Ever-After.



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