Monday, August 17, 2009

Chew on This: Rethinking Your Job Search

Do you practically LIVE online? Order food online? Find dates online? Even...Job Search Online?


Applying online can actually HURT your job search!!! According to this article, Search Engine Marketing only makes up 3% of hires!

What were the most effective methods of getting hired?
Referrals and face-to-face interactions/networking!

"Online can be a great starting point, but that face-to-face communication has to take place. Someone has to know about you, and know your story. I like to say it's not who you know, but who knows you."

Employers particularly like hiring via their current employees; Ever wonder why no matter WHERE you're applying (McDonald's included) there is always a line asking if you know someone who is currently employed there? Now you know...

This bias in favor of personal referral is huge[...]About one-third makes a hire for every four referrals, another third makes a hire for every 10 referrals. So instead of competing with hundreds of candidates, most of those with a personal connection are competing with a handful!

Using technology in your job search isn't all bad though!

Anyone can marry online and offline resources to maximum effect, says Crispin. "With Facebook, LinkedIn, my college alumni association, and my professional associations like SHRM, which has a member directory, there's no company I can't get an employee referral to inside of an hour." Current employees win kudos for referring a new hire, so as long as a candidate is sane and presentable, they're usually willing to do it.

Use your internet skillz wisely! Set up a networking coffee meeting with that graduate two or three years older than you through myspace. Tweet with a current employee! Do what it takes but get that personal reference!

Good luck readers! Hope this helps!

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